In My Childless Era

Disclaimer: If you hate Taylor Swift or childless women this blog post isn’t for you.  It’s National Infertility Awareness Week and people all over social media are sharing their stories. My own Facebook memories today popped up with the story that I told 4 years ago when I was nearing the end of my “journey” […]

Mercury is in Retrograde

Mercury is in retrograde. I don’t know what that means. I mean, I know what it literally means. It means that right now when you look at Mercury through a telescope it looks like it’s orbiting backwards. Or something like that. I don’t know what Mercury being in retrograde means for me and the universe, […]

My Greek Chorus

Let’s talk about the bad days. The kind of days when you feel like you’re living a stranger’s life and you see baby animals everywhere you look and it seems like everyone in the world who has a uterus is pregnant. And then there’s you. Coming to terms with my childless future does not mean […]